I don't know about you, but I was woken up about 4:00 this morning by rain that sounded like it was going to come through the ceiling! You know, the kind of rain that falls so hard that it sounds like it's going to break through your roof and rain on your face, or when it's raining on your window you wonder if it's going to break because of all the pounding! Usually it rains like this for maybe a minute straight, and then subsides. Well, last night it started raining like this and it lasted 30 - 45 min. straight without letting up! I knew with that much rain, our street was probably going to flood, and sure enough, when we got up it was! We haven't had flooding like this in a long time.
Here are some pictures of our street and Brannon looking at the water.
Here are some pictures of our street and Brannon looking at the water.

For those of you who may remember Labor Day 2003 (when I was VERY pregnant with Brannon) there was terrible flooding here and around the Geist / 96th Street area. That night, I remember it pouring nonstop ALL NIGHT. The next morning we woke up to water more than knee deep on our street. Thank the Lord, the water didn't make it all the way up to any one's house, but it was quite a sight! The neighbor kids went "swimming" in the street.
I'll have to find the pictures from then and post them. It was pretty crazy.