Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This struck me as funny...

Tonight as the boys were taking a shower (and I was trying to clean up / messing around on the computer :-), I heard this loud banging noise coming from the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and the boys were throwing their plastic alligator up against the wall of the shower. I very loudly asked them, "What do you think you are doing?" And they replied, "We are trying to get our dinosaur out of the alligator's tummy!" So, I looked inside its hollow mouth and body and saw the dino wedged inside the alligator. It actually was kinda cool, because you could feel the dino body inside the alligator body. It took some banging and eventually some tweezers, and Super Mommy was able to dislodge the poor dino out of the pit of the alligator's tummy!

If you know Alex, you know he is a little absent minded. This is a picture I took of him on morning after he had gone potty. He did remember to wash his hands, but he didn't think to pull up his underwear and jammies! He has just now started constantly coming out of the potty with his cloths on. In the past, he would just run out without anything on bottom, and continue going about his business like nothing was wrong!

This lovely project is what Alex brought home from school today. In case you can't tell, it is a squirrel. I don't know what kind of "fur" is on the thing, but it looks a lot like a bunch of Brillo pads or someone shaved their cat and brought in the fur for this project. None the less, he was proud of his handy work! :)
Notice the lovely bangs and eyebrows! Maybe it's just me, but I think Alex had some help on this masterpiece.

The boys and their loot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, that squirell's a ;)

Where did you find that big alligator? OUr neighbors left one like that in our yard one day this summer and Nate LOVED it. They very quickly came out and set us straight as to who's it was though.

I say finders keepers. ;)