Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow Days Part 1

Last week in Indy we had a lot of snow! It was one of those winter weather systems that all the weather people were saying, "There is going to be significant snow coming", but initially they never really said what significant really meant (maybe they just didn't want to be wrong if it ended up being nothing more than an inch or two - this has happened many times before...very annoying to teachers and students hoping for at least a 2 hour delay!) On Monday into Tuesday they started making their predictions...6 - 8 inches, 4 - 6 inches, 8 - 12 inches...no one still seemed to know. Well, once it started snowing Tuesday evening, it didn't stop until it had significantly laid down 12+ inches of snow! Needless to say, the rural school district that I teach in closed down for 3 days straight. In those 3 days, the Crull's didn't do a lot, but they did go outside for some pretty fun and exciting wintry fun!

Here are some pictures from the many days we were home bound. :)

On Thursday my friend Jennifer and her son Jacob came over to play for awhile. They were all really into eating the snow this day. It wasn't like I didn't feed the darlings!

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