Sunday, December 28, 2008

Can't Wait to Blog!

Well, here I am! I have been gone for way too long! It sounds crazy, but I really miss blogging. It's a great way to express yourself and process / remember the things that happen on a daily basis. Before I can really dive back into my happy blogging world, I need to unpack from our big trip and clean up for Shawn's family to come this week. The picture below is of just part of the mess I need to clean up and put up. I really need to get it done by tomorrow before the carpet cleaning people come to clean our disgusting carpets.

Wish me luck! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if my mom hadn't come up this weekend, my whole house would look worse than that room! Really. It was bad. The kids got sooooo much stuff, i took two whole bags back to walmart, and bought groceries! HOw sad is that? Don't tell the kids. ;) They'll never know.