Saturday, July 26, 2008


On Friday, I went over to Shelley's house to let the boys play and to help her with Evan's snake cake. For some reason, Wed., Thurs. and Fri. of last week, I was in probably the worse mood that I have ever been in, and for no real reason. I am wondering if it had to do with the medicine and the steroid shot they gave me (my throat was REALLY swollen because of the strep - Brannon got to be in the room and watch mommy get a shot in her "hip"). I don't know, but I was not a fun person to be around last week! Sorry Shawn! Luckly, by the time I chilled out, let the boys play and iced a snake, I felt better. I also took some cute pictures of the Sapp and Crull boys playing.

Out of the Mouths of Babes - Brannon

One thing that I am trying to get better at is writing down the funny (and sometimes insightful) things that the boys say. My goal was to write them down in a journal. Well, I started doing that, and then it just has turned into a lot of post-it notes and scrapes of paper. I figured that I would also post them, but I haven't been very good at that either. Oh well! :)

But this week....Brannon gave me two gems that I had to pass along. :)

While we were eating breakfast one morning this week, my creative and imaginative son made a plane out of his Poptart. Then he said, "Look mom, I made a plane! And a tiny little Jesus could sit in it!" Ok...I don't know where he came up with that one? :)

Many of you know, I had strep throat this week. :P Yuck! Well, we were going to have our friend Dave (who's living in a hotel until they find a house and sell theirs) come over for dinner this week, but since I was sick, we decided to wait until next week. The boys LOVE to play with Mr. Dave, so they were disappointed when we told them that we would have to have him over another time when I wasn't sick. And this is what Brannon said, "Well Mom, just don't kiss him!"

Mr. Dave and the boys playing ball.

Proud Brannon

This is old... but about a month ago, Brannon's best buddy from school, Ben, had his birthday party. My thing for birthday presents right now is to have the boys help decorate the bag with drawings and stickers, and have Brannon write the names on it. They have really turned out cute, and they seem to have a fun time doing it too. This is also a good way to get Brannon to practice his writing and letter skills, because he DOES NOT have ANY patience or desire to have me teach him anything in this area. Anyway, this is Ben's birthday bag. I thought that he did a great job writing, and it was his idea to make the o in his name a smiley face. :) The back side of the bag he said he drew T-Rex claws.;) He and Ben are HUGE dinosaur fans...big surprise! I just love the picture of him showing off his handy work! I love that kid!

New Reading Spot

As many of you may know, I like to change things around a bit for the boys and do some crazy and off the wall things just for fun. :) Not that this is one of them, but I got rid of (until the winter) their two old boxes that they had played in a lot a few months ago (they haven't played in them at all this summer) and rearranged some things in their toy closet and made a cool cushion filled reading/playing area inside the closet. For those of you who have never been to our house, we have a large walk-in finished storage area under the stairs. For now, this is where we keep some of the boys toys and books. They have always had fun going in there and closing the door and playing or "reading" their books. When they get a lot older, I would like to put a desk and computer in there for a mini "office". Shawn thinks this is crazy, but I would like it. :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Super Heros?

Yesterday afternoon, Jacob came to our house to play while Dave and Jennifer went out to look at houses. The boys had a great time playing together. They got out the Super Hero costumes and decided that they wanted to dress up. They got a little creative in their Super Hero costume attire. :)

For Jacob's birthday, we got him a Nerf foam dart gun set. They have had a blast playing with it. This is Alex with all the dart gun garb on. Doesn't he look menacing? ;)

Bounce Planet

Thursday was the boy's good friend Jacob's birthday! We left VBS early and met Jacob and his Mom at Chick-fil-a for lunch, and then we went to Bounce Planet. They had SO much fun. Unfortunately, Alex wasn't feeling too good. When we got home I took his temperature, and it was 103. Poor guy! He tried to have fun playing with the boys, but he kept coming to me to be held. He's better now though. :)

We are SO excited, because Jacob and his Mom and Dad are moving here! Jacob's Dad, Dave, is Shawn's best friend from Illinois. Shawn and Dave also were roommates here in Indy for about 10 years before Shawn and I were married. They have been friends since elementary school. :) It has been fun showing them around this side of town.

VBS 2008 - Brannon

The last day of VBS when we were in the gym with the babies, Brannon's class came in for recreation. It was fun watching Brannon and his friends play tag. He had so much fun at VBS this year. I was SO glad that he got the teachers he did. They were old friends of ours that knew me as a teenager and young adult, but had not been around my offspring. ;) They had so much fun with Brannon. Brannon's only complaint was that he thought they sang too much. ;) The funny thing was, that he would come home singing the same songs around the house.

Here they are waiting for snack time. They decided to sing while they waited. :)

During snack time, Cora Mae said the prayer. She is such a precious little girl. We are SO sad that her and her family will be moving to Toledo, OH. :( We havn't told Brannon yet. They have been best buddies in Sunday School and at Mom's Day Out preschool the past 2 years!

Here are the Three Amigos. These are two of Brannon's best buddies, Brayden and Evan. Shelley (Evan's Mommy) and I wanted to get a picture of the three boys together. She has the cutest picture of them when they were about 2, and we wanted an updated version. Shelley, can you please send me that picture?

The end of Vacation Bible School! This is how we felt at the end of this fun filled week.

VBS 2008 - Shirts and Frames

As I wrote in an earlier blog, we made shirts and a matte for a picture frame with the babies footprints. Below is the finished products. I think they turned out REALLY good! Shelley did an excellent job finishing off the mattes by adding stickers and using her Cricket to write out the babies names for the matte. All the babies pictures turned out good, but I think Jeremiah's smile on his picture is the best. :)