Friday, January 30, 2009

Bass Pro Shop

Every year we either spend Christmas in Alabama with my family, or where ever Shawn's family is having Christmas. This year we were able to be in Alabama for Christmas. And since Christmas was on a Thursday, we spent a lot of time in Alabama for Christmas. We love visiting my grandparents and extended family, but there is only so much a 3 and 5 year can do for 5 days. Thank goodness it was so nice out, because they were able to play outside some. We also took the boys to the Bass Pro Shop that was about 45 minutes away. They had a blast! It was like they were at a museum or a zoo (except most of the animals were dead and stuffed instead of frolicking around).

Here are some pictures from our exciting outing over Christmas!

They were able to sit on Santa's lap (which neither one of them were too happy about...and neither was Santa...not a lot of personality from the man in ho ho ho or anything). In true Bass Pro Shop fashion, they had play guns and bow and arrows to shoot. Brannon was actually really good at shooting. Poor city kids didn't get any help from their city slicker parents. It was actually pretty comical because all these camouflage clad kids would just go right up to the different rifle games and shot things left and right. Our kids (especially Alex) had no clue how to hold, let alone shoot, a rifle. Evidence of this is below. :( Poor Alex!

They also could write a letter to Santa and got Bass Pro Shop tattoos! Yahoo! I had the boys pose for me on the ATV's that we will never own (look at the price of that fun toy!). And of course, Alex chose the pink one! For those of you that don't know, Alex's favorite colors are pink and brown. It was also really funny (if you know Alex you will appreciate this :-) because Alex was completely amazed by the animal tracks through out the store. We would be walking and Alex would just belly flop on the floor next to some tracks and say, "Wook at dis Mommy! Twacks!" Oh how nice it would be to be three again and be god smacked by fake animal tracks. ;)

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