Saturday, May 3, 2008


Brannon and Alex love worms. What boy wouldn't? :) Earlier in the week, Brannon had to come in from outside and he wanted to bring in his new worm friend named Pinky. We told him he needed to leave Pinky outside so that he could be with his family. When we came in, I told him he should draw a picture of Pinky. So here are his pictures of Pinky and Pinky with a friend. I love Brannon's drawings! :)

Today we worked outside for awhile, and the boys played in the dirt. They "helped" our neighbor Brian for awhile too. He was digging up some grass. It wasn't long, and the boys came to show me the worms that Mr. Brian found for them. They were very proud of them. The funny thing is, they started with 3 worms and ended up with 5. ;) If you look closely at this picture, the worm by Alex's leg is already broken into 2 pieces. They always love their little worms to death! ;)

Here are Brannon and Alex talking about their worms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His drawings are precious!

You need to warn the worms. Poor little guys. ;)