Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flowers and a dog

Here are Brannon and Alex looking at and picking their favorite flower...the dandelion. Lucky for them, our lawn in covered in them! It was amazing on Sunday because when we left for dandelions...come back from church...a dandelion explosion all over everyone's yards! It was crazy!

Here is my cutie bringing me a flower. :)

He's saying, "Hew mommy!".

What a sweet boy! It was SO cute last night at dinner, because Alex sat next to me and kept jumping up and saying, "HAPPY BUPHDAY MOMMY!" with his little hands up in the air. And then he would wrap his arms around my neck and give me a great big squeeze hug. He's such a sweet little love monkey! We think he may be our little preacher. He is always so concerned about others.

This is our neighbors, in back, new dog. She's a PUPPY! Can you tell? :\ Her name is Bailey and she is a 5 month old Newfoundland (is that how you spell that?). She is very sweet. I thought that this was a cool picture of her and Alex. I think they both wanted to play with each other.

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