Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Reading Spot

As many of you may know, I like to change things around a bit for the boys and do some crazy and off the wall things just for fun. :) Not that this is one of them, but I got rid of (until the winter) their two old boxes that they had played in a lot a few months ago (they haven't played in them at all this summer) and rearranged some things in their toy closet and made a cool cushion filled reading/playing area inside the closet. For those of you who have never been to our house, we have a large walk-in finished storage area under the stairs. For now, this is where we keep some of the boys toys and books. They have always had fun going in there and closing the door and playing or "reading" their books. When they get a lot older, I would like to put a desk and computer in there for a mini "office". Shawn thinks this is crazy, but I would like it. :)

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