Saturday, July 19, 2008

VBS 2008 - Brannon

The last day of VBS when we were in the gym with the babies, Brannon's class came in for recreation. It was fun watching Brannon and his friends play tag. He had so much fun at VBS this year. I was SO glad that he got the teachers he did. They were old friends of ours that knew me as a teenager and young adult, but had not been around my offspring. ;) They had so much fun with Brannon. Brannon's only complaint was that he thought they sang too much. ;) The funny thing was, that he would come home singing the same songs around the house.

Here they are waiting for snack time. They decided to sing while they waited. :)

During snack time, Cora Mae said the prayer. She is such a precious little girl. We are SO sad that her and her family will be moving to Toledo, OH. :( We havn't told Brannon yet. They have been best buddies in Sunday School and at Mom's Day Out preschool the past 2 years!

Here are the Three Amigos. These are two of Brannon's best buddies, Brayden and Evan. Shelley (Evan's Mommy) and I wanted to get a picture of the three boys together. She has the cutest picture of them when they were about 2, and we wanted an updated version. Shelley, can you please send me that picture?

The end of Vacation Bible School! This is how we felt at the end of this fun filled week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those turned out cute. I'll look for that pic now.