Wednesday, July 16, 2008

VBS 2008

This week has been VBS week at Northside. The boys have really enjoyed going to their class, and I have enjoyed working in the baby room with my good friend Shelley. I have had so much fun playing and loving on our 5 babies! :) Here are some pictures of our little ones having fun. It was really hard getting pictures of them all looking the same way and not moving...big surprise!

This is Lizzy and Sam playing with the very popular mailbox.

Sam, Micah and Jeremiah

Sam giving Lizzy a little pat, with Micah looking on.

Jeremiah playing on the drum.

The Three Amigos

Shelley's sweet baby girl, Lizzy, the lone girl of the group. :)

This is a shirt I made to wear for VBS, and the trial run on what we are going to make for our VBS babies to wear. This year's VBS theme is Outrigger Island (an overall island/beach theme). Shelley and I like to make something for our babies to have at the end of VBS. Last year we made onesies with their name on the back and their footprints on the front. This year, because of the "beach" theme, we thought (my mom actually came up with the idea...thanks mom!) we could make palm trees out of their feet and hands. Brannon and Alex helped me make my shirt, and I thought it turned out pretty good. :)

Yes, Alex actually did kinda write his own name for the first time. :) I had him do it in pencil, and then I traced over it in paint pen. I really don't think he knew what he was doing. You can't see it, but there are a lot of other lines all over the place. I just chose the ones that most closely resembled a letter in this name, but the A and the x are what he wrote. :) That's 50%! :)

Brannon really did write his name on his own. :) He's getting SO much better! I'm so proud of him! He said the face next to his name is me with a square head.

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